Saturday, July 29, 2017

अध्याय ८: निजी सरसफाइ र लत्ताकपडा (Chapter 8 : Personal Hygiene and Clothing)

निजी सरसफाइ
काम, स्कूलका लागि आफ्नो शरीरको हेरचाह गर्नु निकै महत्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । आफ्नो हेरचाह गर्दा आफू र आफ्नो परिवार बिमारी हुँदैन । आफ्नो हेरचाहका लागि विभिन्न खालका उत्पादनहरू पाइन्छन् ।
Personal Hygiene
Taking care of your body is important for work, school, and to keep you and your family from getting sick. There are many different products to take care of your body.
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व्यक्तिगत सरसफाइका उत्पादन
व्यक्तिगत सरसफाइका उत्पादनहरू: शरीरको गन्धनाशक, ब्याक्टेरियानाशक साबुन, गन्धनाशक साबुन, दन्तमञ्जन, श्याम्पू, कन्डिसनर, लोशन र कैयौं धेरै छन् । यीमध्ये कुन उत्पादन के कामका लागि प्रयोग गर्ने भनेर अलमल हुन सक्छ ।
Products for personal hygiene
Products include deodorant, antibacterial soap, deodorant soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and many more. It can be confusing what products to use for what purposes.
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यी उत्पादनमध्ये कुनैकुनै चाहिं हामीलाई किटाणूबाट टाढै राख्नका लागि प्रयोग गरिन्छन् । किटाणूहरू सुक्ष्म जीव हुन् । यीनले हामीलाई बिमार पार्छन् । हाम्रा नाङ्गा आँखाले किटाणू देख्दैंनन् ।
Some of these products are used to protect us from germs. Germs are tiny, living things that can make us sick. Germs are too small for our eyes to see.
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हात धुनु
किटाणू मार्ने सबभन्दा उत्तम उपाय ब्याक्टेरियानाशक वा गन्धनाशकसाबुनको प्रयोग हो । हात धुने बानीले रूघा र ज्वरो जस्ता बिमार पार्ने त्यस्ता सुक्ष्म जीव फैलदैनन् ।
Washing Your Hands
Using antibacterial or deodorant soap is the best way to kill germs that spread disease. Washing your hands prevents the spread of germs that also cause illnesses like colds and flu.
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हात कहिले कहिले धुनु पर्छ ?
यस्ता बेलामा हात सधैं धुनुहोस्:
खाना खानुअघि, खाना पकाउनुअघि र खाना छुनुअघि ।
शौचालय गएपछि ।
नानीहरूलाई धोइपखाली गरेपछि, नुहाए वा डायपर फेरिदिएपछि ।
घरबाहिर खेलेपछि ।
Always wash your hands:
• Before eating, cooking, and touching food.
• After using the bathroom.
• After cleaning a child or changing a child’s diaper.
• After playing outside.
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सफा शरीर
शरीर स्वच्छ भए तपाईं स्वस्थ रहनुहुन्छ । गन्धनाशक वा ब्याक्टेरियानाशक साबुनको प्रयोग गरेर नुहाउनाले शरीरमा दुर्गन्ध निकाल्ने किटाणू मर्छन् ।
Clean Body
A clean body keeps you healthy. Taking a shower or bath with deodorant or antibacterial soap helps kill the germs that can make us smell bad.
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कपालका लागि श्याम्पू र कन्डिसनर
श्याम्पूले कपालको मैलो र चिल्लो हटाउँछ । यसले टाउकाको छाला फुस्रो हुनबाट बचाउँछ । तपाईंले कम्तिमा हप्तामा दुईपटक आफ्नो कपाल श्याम्पूले सफा गर्नुपर्छ । धेरै मानिस दिनहुँ नुहाउँछन् र कपाल धुन श्याम्पू प्रयोग गर्छन् । कन्डिसनरले नुहाउँदा कपाल फुस्रो देखिंदैन । श्याम्पूले कपाल धोएपछि कन्डिसनर प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ । श्याम्पू र कन्डिसनरलाई एउटै बोतलमा मिसाएर पनि बेचिन्छ । यस्तो उत्पादन किन्नाले पैसा बचत हुन्छ ।
Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Hair
Shampoo gets rid of the dirt and oil in your hair. It also keeps the skin on your scalp from flaking. You should wash your hair at least two times a week with shampoo. Many people shower and shampoo their hair every day. Conditioner keeps your hair from becoming too dry after washing. You should use conditioner after shampoo in the shower. Some products combine shampoo and conditioner in one bottle which can help you save money.
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शरीरको गन्धनाशक
शरीरबाट आउने गन्ध कम गर्न काखीमा लगाउने उत्पादनलाई गन्धनाशक (डियोडेरेन्ट) भनिन्छ । डियोडेरेन्टझोल, जेल (घोल), सिर्का आउने (स्प्रे) रूपमा पाइन्छन् । कुनै डियोडेरेन्ट सेतो रंगको हुन्छ, यस्तो रंगको डियोडेरेन्ट प्रयोग गर्दा कपडामा सेता दाग बस्छन् । रंग नभएका डियोडेरेन्ट प्रयोग गर्नाले यस्ता दाग बस्दैनन् । पुरूष र महिला दुवैले डियोडेरेन्ट प्रयोग गर्छन् । पुरूष वा महिलाका लागि छुट्टाछुट्टै किसिमका डियोडेरेन्ट बनाइएका हुन्छन् । 
Deodorant is applied under your armpits to reduce body odor. Deodorants are available in liquid, gel, or spray. Some deodorants are white and leave white powder on your clothing. Using a clear gel can help avoid this problem. Deodorants are used by both men and women and most are made specifically for either a man or woman.
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दाँत बुरूस गर्नु
गिजा र दाँतको हेरविचार गर्नाले दाँत खिइँदैनन् र दाँत दुख्ने समस्याले सताउँदैन । मञ्जन लगाएर दिनहुँ तीनपटक दाँत बुरूस गर्नुहोस् । प्रत्येक तीन महिनामा नयाँ बुरूस किन्नुहोस् ।
Brushing Teeth
Taking care of your teeth and gums prevents tooth decay and toothaches. Brush your teeth three times a day with toothpaste. Buy a new toothbrush every three months.
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दाँतबीचको सफाई
दाँतमा रहेका खानाका टुक्राटुक्रि (लेग्रो) हटाउन फ्लस (दाँत सफा गर्ने धागो) प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । दाँत राम्ररी सफा गर्न वर्षमा दुईपटक दाँतको डाक्टरकहाँ जानुहोस् ।
Flossing Teeth
Use dental floss to remove food remains in your teeth. Visit a dentist two times a year to have your teeth professionally cleaned.
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कपडा धुने
थोरै पटक लगाएका वा फोहोर देखिएका लुगा धुनुहोस् । यसो गर्दा लुगा सफा र बास्नादार हुन्छन् । घाउखटिरा आउन नदिन हप्तामा एकपटक तन्दा र सिरानीको खोल धुनुहोस् । लुगा धुने काम घरधन्दा जस्तो नियमित हुनुपर्छ ।
Wash your clothes after wearing them only a few times or if they have become visibly dirty. This keeps your clothes clean and smelling good. Wash your bedding (sheets and pillow covers) at least once a week to prevent skin rashes. Doing the laundry should be a regular chore.
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कपडा धुलाई
तपाईं बसेको अपार्टमेन्टमा लुगाधुने स्वचालित मशिन क्लोद्स वासर हुनसक्छ । यदि छैन भने तपाईं बसेनजिकै कपडा धुने व्यवसाय लन्ड्रोम्याट हुनसक्छ । लुगाधुने मशिन चलाउन सिक्का चाहिन सक्छ । उक्त मशिनमा लुगा र लुगाधुन प्रयोग गरिने साबुन हाल्नुहोस् । मशिन चलाउनुहोस् । उक्त मशिनमा तपाईंले धेरै लुगा हाल्नुभयो भने त्यसले राम्ररी काम गर्दैन । लुगा धोई सक्न ३० मिनेट वा बढी समय लाग्न सक्छ । लुगाधुने मशिनले कपडा धोई सकेपछि सबै कपडा बाहिर निकाल्नुहोस् । ती कपडा सुकाउने मशिनमा हाल्नुहोस् । कपडा सुकाउने मशिनलाई ड्रायरभनिन्छ । ड्रायरमा लुगा सुकाउन पनि भिन्न पैसा चाहिन सक्छ ।
Doing Laundry
You may have a clothes washer in your own apartment, a machine that automatically washes clothes. If not, there may be clothes washers nearby in your apartment building or in a business called a Laundromat. Those nearby will probably require coins to operate. Put clothing and laundry detergent into the machine. Then start the machine. If you pack too many clothes into the washing machine it will not work correctly. The washing cycle may take 30 minutes or more. When the washing machine has finished washing the clothes, take them out and put them in a different machine, a dryer. The dryer may also cost money.
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कपडा धुने साबुन
मशिनमा लुगा धुन प्रयोग गर्ने साबुनलाई लन्ड्रि सोपभनिन्छ । लगाउने लुगा र बिछ्यौनाका लुगा धुन मात्र लन्ड्रि सोपप्रयोग गरिन्छ । नुहाउने साबुन (जीउ र कपाल) र लन्ड्रि सोपफरक हुन् । लन्ड्रि सोपठोस वा झोल हुनसक्छ र कुनै स्टोर वा लन्ड्रोम्याटमा किन्न पाइन्छ ।
Laundry Soap
Laundry soap is used to wash your clothes and bedding. Laundry soap is different from the soap you use to wash your body and hair. The laundry soap for clothes washing machines may be liquid or solid. You can buy laundry soap in stores or at a Laundromat.
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ठेट अमेरिकी पहिरनभन्दा नेपाली वा भूटानी पहिरन फरक हुन्छन् । अमेरिकामा तपाईंले इच्छाअनुसार लुगा लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । कपडा लगाउँदा मौसम र आफू कहाँ जाने हो ख्याल गर्नुपर्छ ।
Typical American clothing is different from traditional Nepali or Bhutanese clothing. In America you are free to wear whatever clothing you choose. But in choosing what to wear you should consider the weather and where you will be going.
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परम्परागत लुगा
तपाईं चाहेका बेला आफ्ना परम्परागत लुगाहरू: सारीचोलो, दौरासुरूवाल, र नेपालीटोपी लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । तर सन् २००१ सेप्टेम्बरपछि केहि अमेरिकीहरू नौलो पहिरनमा कसैलाई देखे त्यस्ता लुगा लगाउनेलाई अविश्वास गर्न थालेका छन् । तर थोरैले मात्र त्यस्तो शंका गर्न सक्छन् । तपाईंले लगाउनु भएको परम्परागत पहिरन देखेपछि धेरैजसो अमेरिकीहरूले स्वागत गर्नुका साथै तपाईंको संस्कृतिबारे जान्न इच्छा राख्न सक्छन् ।
Wearing Traditional Clothing
You are free to wear traditional clothing such as a Sari, Cholo, Daur-Suruwal, and Topi whenever you choose. However, since September 2001, some Americans have become distrustful of those who wear clothing that they are not familiar with. A few people may express suspicion. But most Americans will welcome you and want to learn about your culture when they see you wearing traditional clothing.
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स्कूल जाँदा लगाउने लुगा
विशेषगरी मिडल स्कूल र हाइस्कूल जस्ता केहि स्कूलमा कुनै विशेष खालका लुगा मनाही गरेको हुन्छ । स्कूलका यस्ता नियम पढ्नुहोस्, जान्नुहोस् र उल्लघंन नगर्नुहोस् । सफा र उत्ताउलो नदेखिने खालका लुगा लगाउनुहोला । स्कूल जाँदा चप्पल लगाउनु हुन्न, जुत्ता लगाउनु पर्छ । खेल खेलाउन वा व्यायाम गर्न लैजाने दिन नानीहरूले एक जोर फाल्तु लुगा स्कूल लैजान अनिवार्य हुन्छ ।
Clothing for School
Some schools, especially middle schools and high schools, have rules that prohibit certain types of clothes. You should learn the school rules and not violate them. You should dress conservatively with clean clothes. You should wear shoes that cover your toes, not sandals or flip-flops. Many schools require children to bring extra clothes for those days when they will have gym class or for playing sports.
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कामका लुगा
फरक खालको काममा फरक लुगा लगाउनु पर्ने हुनसक्छ, जस्तो: खेत वा बगैंचामा काम गर्दा दह्रा खालका बुट चाहिन्छन् भने अस्पताल वा नर्सिङ होममा काम गर्दा विशेष खालका सर्ट वा कमीज चाहिन सक्छन् । कुनै कम्पनीमा काम गर्दा त्यहि कम्पनीले आफ्नो विशेष रंग वा चिन्हअंकित कपडा दिनसक्छन् । त्यस्ता लुगा सफा हुनुपर्छ र काम गर्दा हलचल गर्न सुविधाजनक हुनुपर्छ ।
Clothing for Work
Different kinds of work require different kinds of clothing. For example, outdoor work on a farm or orchard may require strong hard boots but work in a hospital or nursing home may require special shirts or smocks. Some employers may even provide their workers with shirts and blouses with the company color or company logo. Clothes should always be clean and not get in the way of your movement and activities on the job.
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जाडोका लुगा
अमेरिकाका विभिन्न ठाउँ र ऋतुअनुसार मौसम धेरै फरक हुन्छ । अमेरिकाका कुनैकुनै ठाउँहरूमा हिउँदमा निकै जाडो हुन्छ । घरबाहिर जाडोमा निस्कँदा ठण्डी हावाबाट बचाउने बाक्ला लुगा लगाउनुहोस् । एउटा बाक्लो लुगाको सट्टा ठिकैका लुगा धेरै तह पारेर लगाउनुहोस् । पुरा खुट्टा ढाक्ने गरी जुत्ता र बाक्ला मोजा लगाउनुहोस् । कान र टाउको छोप्ने गरी टोपी अनि घाँटी ढाक्ने गरी गलबन्दी लगाउनुहोस् । धेरै जाडो छ वा हिउँ परेको छ भने हातमा पञ्जा लगाउनुहोस् । घरबाहिर निस्कनुअघि कति जाडो हुन्छ भन्ने जान्न मौसमजानकारी सुन्नुहोस् । छोराछोरी स्कूल जानुअघि वा खेल्न निस्कनुअघि न्यानो हुने गरी लुगा लगाइदिएको हुनुपर्छ ।
Clothing for Cold Weather
Weather is quite different in different places in the United States and in different seasons. Some parts of the United States get very, very, cold in the winter. When it is cold outside, you should wear clothes that are thick and protect you from cold wind. Wear several layers of clothing instead of one. Wear warm socks and shoes that completely cover your feet. Cover your head and ears with a hat and your neck with a warm scarf. Wear gloves on your hands when it is very cold or there is snow. Before you go outside, listen to the weather report to find out how cold it will be. Make sure children are dressed warmly before they go to school or go outside to play.
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गर्मीका लुगा
अमेरिकाका केहि भागहरूमा वर्षामा धेरै गर्मी हुन्छ । घरबाहिर गर्मी छ भने हलुका या पातला लुगा लगाउनुहोस् । गर्मीमा बाहिर जानु छ भने आधा बाहुला भएको सर्ट र हाफपेन्ट लगाउनुहोस् । धेरै कार्यालय, स्टोर, स्कूल र अन्य भवनभित्र एयरकन्डिसन हुन्छ, चिसो लाग्छ भने न्यानो लुगा लैजान सक्नुहुन्छ । त्यस्ता कार्यालय, स्टोर, स्कूल र अन्य भवनभित्र पूरा बाहुलाका सर्ट लगाउन सक्नुहुन्छ ।
Clothing for Hot Weather
Some parts of the United States get very, very hot in the summer. When it is hot outside, you should wear light clothing. You can wear short sleeve shirts and shorts when you will be outside. Because many offices, stores, schools, and other buildings will be air conditioned, however, you may want to carry a warmer piece of clothing, such as a long sleeve short, to wear when you go back inside to shop, work, or for school.
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अमेरिकीहरू पुरै गोडा ढाक्ने खालका छाला वा कपडाका जुत्ता लगाउँछन् । कहिलेकाहिं, विशेषगरी गर्मी मौसममा मान्छेहरू औंला देखिने जुत्ता वा चप्पल लगाउँछन् । स्वास्थ्यका कारणले धेरै शहरका स्टोर, चमेनागृह (रेष्टुँरा), र अन्य भवनमा खाली खुट्टा भित्र पस्न कानुनी प्रतिबन्ध हुन्छ । त्यस्ता बेलामा अरू मान्छे के लगाउँछन्, के गर्छन्, हेर्नुहोला ।
Americans usually wear shoes made of leather or cloth that cover the entire foot. Sometimes, especially in the summer, some people may wear open-toe shoes, sandals, or flip-flops. For health reasons, many cities have laws that prohibit people from entering stores, restaurants, and other buildings in their bare feet. Observe what other people are wearing.
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पहिरनका सामान र नाप
सबैका लगाउने लुगामा नापको जानकारी दिइएको हुन्छ । धेरै लुगाहरू, जस्तै: टिसर्ट, पाइजामा, कट्टु, स्कर्ट, मोजा र पञ्जा आदिमा प्रायःजसो एक्सएस’, ‘एस’, ‘एम’, ‘एल’, वा एक्सएललेखिएको हुन्छ । एक्सएसभनेको अतिरिक्त सानो, ‘एसभनेको सानो, ‘एमभनेको मध्यम, ‘एलभनेको ठूलो र एक्सएलभनेको अतिरिक्त ठूलो हो । अन्य लुगामा नापका आधारमा परिमाण तोकिएको हुन्छ, जस्तो: पुरूषले लगाउने पेन्टमा एकथरी नाप कम्मरको हुन्छ भने अर्कथरी नाप लम्बाईको हुन्छ । यी दुई नाप इन्चमा हुन्छ । पेन्टको आकार ३४३०लेखिएको छ भने कम्मर ३४ इन्च र लम्बाई ३० इन्च हो । जुत्ताका आकार आफ्नै नापमा हुन्छन् । एकपटक किन्दा ठिक्क मिल्ने लुगा वा जुत्ता पाइयो भने त्यहि नाप कतै कागजमा टिपेर राख्नुहोस् । अर्कोपटक कपडा वा जुत्ता किन्दा त्यहि नाप काम लाग्छ ।
Clothing Sizes
Clothing for all is marked with size information. Many clothes, such as t-shirts, pajamas, underwear, skirts, socks, and gloves are often marked as XS, S, M, L, or XL. “XS” means extra small, “S” means small, “M” means medium, “L” means large, and “XL” means extra large. Other clothing, however, will have a size given by measurements. For example, men’s pants often have two measurements: the first is the size around the waist in inches and the second is the length, also measured in inches. Pant size '34-30' means the waist in 34 inches and the leg length is 30 inches. Shoes have the own special size measurements. When you find the correct size of a particular piece of clothing or shoes, it is a good idea to write down the size so you will know the next time you are shopping.

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